Factories and Production lines

Cement block factory

The company has three factories for manufacturing cement blocks of various sizes, two of which are located within the company’s headquarters in Al-Kuwaifiya, and the third is located in the company’s site in Jardina. The first factory is Turkish made (VIS) and is an integrated production line for manufacturing blocks at a rate of 6000-8000 pieces per day. This factory can manufacture (curbstone), (interlock), and others, depending on the mold used, the second factory is Italian (Kaduna – Super 1600) operating at a rate of 6000-8000 pieces per day, it works with a concrete mix pressing system to produce blocks in the same place, the third factory is Italian made (MCF), operating at a rate of 1500 pieces per day,  it works in a similar way to the (Kaduna) model and the company relies on it to produce cement blocks for the implementation and construction of 676 housing units project in Jardina site.

Mobile Crushers

The company owns an American mobile crusher (PEGSON) that operates at a production rate of 800-1000 cubic meters per day, it also owns a Italian mobile crusher for the second stage (BAIONI) that operates at a production rate of 300-500 cubic meters per day, each of them is supplied with excavation works output from the company’s various projects to produce backfill materials with approved specifications and road foundation materials (Base Course), it is equipped with a British (Power Screen) mobile screen with three screens and 3 conveyor belts with a production rate of 200 tons per hour for each belt.

Asphalt mixer

The company owns an Italian asphalt mixer (BERNARDI IMPANTI) with a production capacity of 100 tons/hour, which produces asphalt from bitumen and aggregate at high temperatures to use in paving roads in infrastructure projects, the produced asphalt is controlled electronically by a computer which controls by modifying the mixture inputs based on the design mixture provided by the quality department according to international standards, in terms of the proportions of aggregate used, the proportion of bitumen, temperature, etc.

Concrete mixer and concrete casting plant

The company owns a Turkish ready-mix concrete mixer of the type (Krismak) with a production capacity of 45 cubic meters per hour, which is controlled electronically to ensure the quality of the resulting concrete and to obtain the required resistance, the concrete is mixed in it with different compressive strengths and several additives as needed. The company also owns a factory for the production of concrete casting units, which consists of molds of different sizes used in the production of circular and square manhole chambers of various sizes, in addition to tunnel protection walls, lighting pole bases, road culverts and paving.

Nail Screw Factory

The company owns a nail screw factory for use in wood works for its building projects as well as in surveying works.